According to Uptime Institute many of the issues, and subsequent consequences, observed in operational IT facilities could have been identified and remediated during a thorough commissioning process. Rigorous, comprehensive commissioning reduces initial failure rates, ensures that the data center functions as designed, and verifies facility operations capabilities - setting up Operations for success.
At the outset of the commissioning program development, the owner and commissioning agent (CxA) should identify the important elements and benchmarks for each phase of the data center life cycle. Each element and benchmark must be executed successfully during commissioning to ensure the data center is rigorously examined prior to operations.
Commissioning for Data Centers according to Uptime Institute is a five steps procedure
- Level 1 – Factory Testing
- Level 2 – Installation Inspections
- Level 3 – Functional Component testing (start up)
- Level 4 – Functional Systems Testing
- Level 5 – Integrated Systems Testing
Our team has successfully implemented commissioning to new and existing Data Center Facilities (Including the first LEED v4 new Data). Our Services include:
- Preparation of commissioning plan per Uptime Institute
- Preparation of the commissioning protocol, to include all equipment and the related tests (FAT, commissioning, start up etc.) and identification of every test and step to be taken to complete commissioning.
- Verification that the equipment and systems operate as designed
- Preparation and execution of Integrated Systems Testing
- Training to provide an opportunity for Operations to become familiar with how systems operate and test and verify operational procedures without risking critical IT loads